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MT-Demonstration Video - Versatility

MT-Demonstration Video - Versatility


This video deomstrates how easy it is to set up and put away, the modular track system. Watch how the track dynamics change with each track change. The whole range of track sections are based on a width of 1.2 metres. The lengths vary from 0.6 metres to 2.0 metres.

Have a look at the basic sets that are available, and all of the extra modules that can be introduced at anytime. You can choose from a 2 Lane system, or the 4 Lane club system.

Out of Stock

    Call 03-9796-3830 during business hours

    Closed Mondays, Tues & Wed 10-5, Thu & Fri 10-9, Sat 10-6, Sun 12-5

    We ship regular orders within one business day

    Oversized and Bulky Track oders are shipped POA. Please call for quote


    We try to keep stock always available. But Leads times can vary between 1-2 weeks. Call us for availability 03-9796-3830. We ship Australia wide and into New Zealand. For Australian customers we use  Premium carriers that specialise in handling furniture door to door. They charge a little more, but the peace of mind is worth it! They work on a monthly rotation and thus deliveries will occur only on their scheduled date within that month. Call for a quote.


    When adding extra modules into your (analogue or digital) racetrack. In some instances, there may be a need to adjust or move the power and/or lap sensing connections. We can provide this service within our factory. Or issue you with instructions if you feel capable.

    Last resort, need advice! Call us on 03-9796-3830 during normal business hours. Tuesday - Sunday. Check the Contact page for opening hours.

  • Quality materials

    The clear engraved fencing is made from tough polycarbonate.

    The white lane bordering, is a plastic moulding that we inlay so the white borders never wear off!

    Even the ripple strips are engraved into the track surface, adding to the realism.

    Some track sections have painted Sand traps. Whilst all have Green Infields.

  • Video

    The video was taken in the dispatch area of our factory. We are demonstrating the track with cars running. As well as the Computer timing system and other accessories.

  • Download

    Click here to download a pdf with the current 4 lane track sections. Then print and cut them out to create a puzzle of track pieces to design your new layout

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