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TRACKMATE-SCL3C-usb 4 Lane Dead Strip Lap Counter kit

TRACKMATE-SCL3C-usb 4 Lane Dead Strip Lap Counter kit


Complete Turnkey Slot car lap counter system.

Suitable for tracks with a "DEAD STRIP".

Software and hardware. Compatible with Windows XP, Vista,7,8,10,11

Simple to install. Virtually Plug and play. This is the new 2022 version (in Blue box).


You can download version 9.61 software. After installing Software you can click Help for complete Documentation on Hardware Installation and Software settings.


It's recommended you upgrade your USB also! Download the USB driver for the Blue box version.


Once you have uploaded the latest Trackmate software, then follow these instructions.

  • Install USB driver
  • unplug USB cable for a few seconds
  • plug USB cable back in
  • Start or Restart Trackmate software
  • Go to settings and click the Green button Auto set com port
  • You should get the message Trackmate interface found, Good to go

There is a Youtube video to learn how to adjust the settings and run races.

Out of Stock

    Call 03-9796-3830 during business hours

    Closed Mondays, Tues & Wed 10-5, Thu & Fri 10-9, Sat 10-6, Sun 12-5

    We ship regular orders within one business day

    Oversized and Bulky Track oders are shipped POA. Please call for quote

  • Includes

    Trackmate Interface, 10 foot USB cable, Bi-directional cable for dead strip connection, relay to control track power, Australian approved power pack for the Interface and LED Gantry, jumbo switch to pause and restart race (track calls).

  • Pricing

    Pricing may vary anytime according to the current exchange rate.

  • Software

    You can DOWNLOAD THE SOFTWARE free of charge once you are ready.

    Why not download the USER MANUAL to look over the whole system Including race options etc.

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